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Health, Fitness & Wellness

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2024
WujiTech is committed to helping healthcare professionals and fitness coaches reach their maximum potential by working with data in a unique way to empower their clients. Our online software system can help you create effective coaching/mentoring programs for clients that are custom designed for their needs. You will be able to track how they perform over...

Patient Tracking and Support for Healthcare Professionals

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2024
By Francesco Garripoli With American medical practice now accounting for more medical deaths than heart disease or cancer, it seems appropriate that much focus is being placed on healthcare reform.  You may not have really let that first statement sink in – more people die each year from Western, physician-guided, allopathic medical treatment in...

WujiTech Enters Health Education

submitted by: admin on 11/15/2013
WujiTech’s team in three countries has worked with the renowned physician Len Saputo, M.D to launch – on 1/1/11 – what may be the Internet’s most unique and interactive health and wellness web experience. is much more that just a “website” as this amazing service is far beyond other sites that have...