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Products by WujiTech

submitted by: admin on 09/02/2017
WujiBrainwave and MindTracker WujiTech offers a mobile brainwave feedback system solution that combines realtime brainwave technology combined with breakthrough 3D animated software to help gain amazing insights into how the brain works to reduce stress and improve peak performance. find out more ... WujiDashboard The WujiDashboard is...

Welcome to a new twist on data collection and community building

submitted by: admin on 06/07/2013
By Francesco Garripoli   Greetings!  Welcome to WujiTech, a software company that provides a powerful, online software platform to collect data and then use that information to help serve your vision and empower  those who participate in the surveys and evaluations.  We are taking a much different approach that the simple, monkey-style...


submitted by: admin on 03/11/2018
MindTracker and WujiBrainwave apps – Welcome to one of the coolest ways to peer into your most powerful organ… your brain! The WujiBrainwave solution is a unique personal brainwave biofeedback system, enabled thru a mobile and cloud-based app that runs on the iPad, Mac and PC. It provides insight into an individual’s state of mind by capturing...

WujiTech Data Gathering and Community Building (DGCB) Environment

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2024
By Francesco Garripoli   Greetings! Our focus is on bringing the WujiTech Environment into key areas that can make a positive difference in the world.  The WujiTech Data Gathering and Community Building (DGCB) Environment is a very cool platform for working with large numbers of people and connecting them through transparent data...